24 December 2010
We ate dinner in the buffet at the hotel restuarant pretty much every night, which was delicious, but didn't vary much. I loved sitting down to a full table setting. It contributed to the being-taken-back-in-time feeling. My grandmother, of course, chatted up the hospitality manger every night, which provided much amusement.
19 December 2010
"You don't have to be straight to shoot straight"
17 December 2010
You know, everyone told me that Junior year was gonna be tough, but nobody warned me about Sophomore year. And I think it's been pretty ridiculous. I haven't had the time to read a single book for pleasure since the school year started (I won't make the overly optimistic assumption that anyone actually noticed I haven't made any book review posts in the past six months, but I haven't). The first semester of Sophomore year has been pretty stressful, and I am SO happy that it's finally winter break. I'm a little disappointed with how my first semester has turned out, so I'll definitely be using Winter Break to do some restrategizing for the next semester.
Ah, screw that, I'll be PARTYING IN NYC, LOSERS!!!
26 October 2010
Wizard Rock Concert
Anyways, this "concert" was in someone's GRANDMOTHER'S LIVING ROOM. I'm serious. Like, we had to drive around in suburbs until we found this person's address, and her parents and her grandmother were, like, sitting in chairs in the kitchen behind us looking at us like we were, like, freaks, or something (where would they get that idea?)
My friend made this lovely analogy when we were driving there about a "Harry Potter sea". See, normal, non-harry-obsessed people are on land, far away from the sea. People who think they're harry potter fans are on life rafts floating on the top of the sea. My friend and I are hanging on to the life rafts, with our feet dangling in the water. But there are people at in VOLCANIC VENTS at the BOTTOM of this sea, and they're not coming up for air. People like that were at this concert. These kind of people actually are GROUPIES to these wizard rock bands, and like, FOLLOW the bands on their "tours".
A little creepy.
BUT, Justin Finch-Fletcley and the Sugar Quills, and The Whomping Willows were well worth being in the company of these slightly creepy albeit funny-ish-ly lovable people. I've had the "Dumbledore is Gay but that's OK" song stuck in my head ever since, and I was very excited to place my order for a Justin Finch-Fletchley t-shirt. :)
25 October 2010
Marching Band
The thing is - and if anybody from band or school read this, they'd probably think I'm a freak (who doesn't?) for admitting it - but I can't deny the pride and satisfaction felt at the end of a grueling season. It's the end of the year, you're at the last competition, and you've played the show for the very last time. You know you've just given the performance of your life, and you're so ecstatic that you can't help but smile even when you know you're supposed to look fierce and intimidating. But you have absolutely no idea how anyone else has done. You stand out on the field, not allowed to move a muscle, and they start calling results. Your anxiety grows as the numbers get smaller and smaller. The band could very well have made tenth, but you didn't. Not ninth, either. Or seventh. Or sixth. Or fifth. Or fourth. They call third place, and you don't have to hear the first full syllable to know it's not you. You can't believe you've done this well. Yout start calming yourself down. 'Second', you think, 'second would be so great.' But what you really want is to hear that you've exceeded your wildest miracles, by some miracle beaten out every other band and gotten first. Then, the announcer calls second place. It's not you. You've won. You want to scream and jump and hug every person in the band, every person who has stood out there with you for twenty hours of rehearsal a week, in the heat, in the rain, in the freezing cold. But still, you have to stand still.
When they call first place, you listen carefully, to make damn sure they call your bands' name, and there's not some fluke. And they do.
16 September 2010
23 July 2010
Infinitus 2010
PLUS, I met the Mugglecasters (minus Jamie Lawrence, which made me sad, but STILL) and it was AWESOME. I've never really seen any pictures or video of what any of them look like, so it was rather wierd seeing their voices come out of these strange people's bodies!!! I have to say, Andrew Sims was a lot hotter than I thought he was going to be. ;)
I met a girl named Alia, who I found out is originally from Bahrain and speaks Arabic fluently. (I totally didn't know this until we were in the MuggleCast event and she stood up and told everyone that, because she doesn't have an accent or anything that would give away that she wasn't born here). She loves Dr. Who and her favorite characters were the same as mine - Snape and Dumbledore! :D
The PARK was absolutely amazing. It looks just like you imagine it to be. Hogwarts is absolutely magical and built in force persperctive, so it looks ridiculously massive, when it's really only hugely massive. The butterbeer is delicious. The fake snow on the rooftops is hilarious, especially in contrast with all the people wearing shorts and tank tops (hello, July in Florida? makes it very uncomfortable to be wearing your wizarding robes around the park) I didn't go to the Night of a Thousand Wizards event at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but everyone raved about how awesome it was. The forbidden journey ride was an experience that I don't think I'll forget. The special effects on the ride are really quite brilliant. You really have to look to figure out how everything works. It really seems magical.
Also, before the conference, I hadn't really gotten into Wizard Rock. But the Wizard Rock Classics Night made me a die-hard fan of the Wrock movement. I cannot wait to hear The Moaning Myrtles, The Butterbeer Experience, and The Remus Lupins again!!!
Can't wait for Ascendio 2012!
05 July 2010
I don't wanna go to GIRL SCOUT CAMP gee, mom, i wanna go, but they won't lemme go, gee mom, i wanna go HO-O-OME. GIRL SCOUT CAMP
The second girl scout camp was fun, too (I mean, it's Girl Scout camp, HELLO), but I couldn't help comparing it to the first camp, and I have to say, it didn't add up. The camp had severely declined in numbers since the last time I'd been there - there were ELEVEN counselors - and the camp had ZERO returning staff. It was actually really bizarre. The activities were really fun. I got to go wake boarding, knee boarding, tubing, windsurfing, canoeing, and white-water kayaking. But the people and the environment weren't really what I had been hoping for. The whole "community" aspect of going to camp was completely lost.
My mom has pointed out to me that the experiences I had at both camps have helped me figure out what aspects I like about Girl Scout camp and what I need to look for when I pick camps for the future (even though I totally just plan on going back to the first camp, like, every summer from here on out, but whatever).
SO, I had fun, and there's more to come.
02 June 2010
3 Willows by Ann Brashares

01 June 2010
Swim Team
30 May 2010
Summer Goals
1. Pewn my little sister at our reading "competition" (I find it vastly amusing that she thinks it's a "competition" at all)
2. Run twice a week so that I can run in the Halloween 5k and pant around in my Harry Potter costume next October, looking like a freak.
3. Update twice a week on this blog (becuase I have been a little... ahem, inconsistent in past posting)
23 May 2010
21 May 2010
When did "You're so skinny; you look like a stick" become a compliment?
19 May 2010
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
17 May 2010
Deep Cheese
06 April 2010
25 March 2010
21 March 2010
In which I give you an in-depth analysis of my weekly schedule..
Anyways, I've got some reviews of Wicked by Gregory Magure and one you probably haven't heard of, How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford, which made me cry like CRAZY, so... fun.
04 March 2010
How To Stay Goodbye In Robot by Natalie Standiford
I kept thinking of this guy-friend of mine from elementary school, whose name was Greg. He was my BFF for FOUR WHOLE YEARS (this was record-breaking at the time for me, because I had lived in about eleven houses in eight years). We both fantasized about medieval times and narwhals and neopets and pentominoes and we played jump rope and hopscotch at recess all by our lonesome selves, because we were pretty much outcasts. We were gonna to go to the Renaissance fair together the last day before the summer (in which I was moving for yet another house). But I was STUPID. And I REALLY wanted to be popular. And two days before the fair, I still hadn't told my mom about the renaissance fair. At lunch, a popular girl invited me to a sleepover....
... When I got home, I told my mom about the sleepover instead of the renaissance fair. And Greg never spoke to me again.
THAT is what this book made me think of. It made me cry out of grief and guilt and regret and heartbreak and it WASN'T CHICK LIT!!!!
(edt: BTW, this isn't the official review)
19 February 2010
pppiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssseeeeddddddddd (This was from a long time ago and I never published it :D)
For those of you who live under a rock, and don't know what's going on, I'm referring to Olympic Men's Figure Skating, and secifically the fact that the best skater EVERwho gave the performance of his LIFE at the Olympics was totally and completely UNDERSCORED.
08 February 2010
J-J-Johnny Weir!
So, the Winter Olympics are coming up on February 12th, and I am TOTALLY STOKED. I have to admit, the 2006 Olympics in Torino were rather disappointing... Sasha didn't win the gold, Kimmie Meissner made SIXTH place and Johnny Weir didn't even make the freakin PODIUM!It was an outrage! A Scandal! (Lily and James Potter killed in a car accident!?)
But this year... Ohhh, THIS year... Things shall be very different. I've pretty much completely given up on Sasha Cohen and Kimmie Meissner - I was really only mad about Kimmie Meissner, because she's not normally a very strong skater and she skated a completely EMACULATE program at Torino, but she hasn't really had a good performance since, so... bah. And Sasha just fell off the face of the planet after Torino. ANYWAYS, this year we've got this like whole new GENERATION of figure skaters... Rachel Hamlett, who came outta NOWHERE, let me tell you, and snatched up the US championships, Mirai Nagasu, who was fourteen when she won Nationals in 2008, and there's...
... J O H N N Y W E I R
04 February 2010
31 January 2010
21st century soap box lectures...
30 January 2010
Side Effects by Amy Goldman Koss
Yeah, so good book... I'd recommend it.
In other news, it's snowing like crazy here, and I'm stuck inside with nothing better to do than blog, play guitar, and eat chocolate, because the snow is like, all screwed up, and you can't have a snowball fight, because it would be like throwing rocks... so..whatever.
29 January 2010
In which I randomly list things I enjoy
Doc Martens (The most beautiful and comfortable combat boots on the face of the planet, which happen to go with everything I wear)
Rainy Days (Because you have a viable excuse to stay inside and sit on your ass all day, making random lists of things you like)
yellow (It's just the best color ever... and the title of a decent Coldplay song)
Tutus (I mean, seriously. Why don't more people wear tutus - they are the BEST CLOTHING ITEM EVER!)
Leo Tolstoy (ANNA KARENINA!!!!!!)
Gay People (I went out to dinner with my friend last night, and there was like this gay people sitting at the table next to us.. and they were wearing matching square-framed glasses and one of them had this giant hot pink scarf thing wrapped around his neck and spoken in the most feminine voice I have ever heard a male manage... and they were just SO ADORABLE!)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Every person on the face of the planet should read this book! I read it, and I cried the whole time - not because it was sad, but becase everything Charlie felt was just so...... TRUE.... and maybe I was PMSing, too, but it was a freaking GOOD book!)
Manhattan (Ah, Ah AAAAHHHH!! I wanna go there right now, and buy cupcakes at Jefferson Market and go the Alice in Wonderland statue in central park, and stare at the adorable gay couples walking around in Chelsea and eat a giant piece of pizza folded in half....)
G-2 pilot pens (I used to despise pens, because I just couldn't draw with them the way I could pencils.. but now... Oh NOW....)
Eleanor Roosevelt ("Do something every day that scares you")
Quoting Toy Story
Hey, kiddos! I don't know if any of you knew this, but I've had another blog, devoted to reviewing books I've reqad, called "Book a Day from the Bookworm" (lame name, I know, but shut up), and I post on it about as oftten as I post on this blog (basically, not often)... ANYWAYS, I've decided to combine the blogs, so that maybe out of the two of them, my blog postings will be just slightly more frequent.
So, for my first, Book a Day-type posting, I am reviewing James Patterson's Breakfast at Tiffany's, which gets 2 out of 5 stars. SO....Cute concept, although mostly formalic, unfulfilling, and rather Twilight-esque. Jane is a thirty-year-old woman, still hung up over her childhood imaginary friend, and allowing her boyfriend and controlling mother to boss her around. She really wasn't much of a likable character, with her constant self-depricating narration and her general patheticness. The only original concept was the whole "imaginary friend" thing - other than that, it felt like Twilight all over again, what with the whole I-don't-deserve-you-because-I'm-a-fat-clutz-and-you're-perfect and the oh-my-gosh-you're-finally-mortal-I-can-love-you-now crap. It also had that lovey-dovey stuff about how they'll never love anyone else even if they life forever. I don't think I would recommend it. This was my first James Patterson (seeing as I'm lazy and have yet to get around to reading the Maximum Ride series like all my friends have told me to), and I was rather disappointed.
In other news, I am totally and completetly addicted to the blog Style Rookie (tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com). It is a totally and completely amazing style blog, but I would most certainly recommend it to EVERYONE, because it's just THAT amazing, and I know that you'll enjoy it even if you don't know who the hell Chanel is (in which case you are an UNCULTURED SWINE!) So... yeah :D
24 January 2010
Reasons Our Educational System Suck:
2. The kids who are barely holding on to the course curriculum are in the same classes as people who are pulling their hair out from boredom. This is SO wrong! The students who are behind continuously build up a massive inferiority complex, and the advanced students have to wait five years to learn anything! It's a no-win situation!
3. You don't have any variety. If you want to do something (like band, for instance), then that's ALL you get to do, and you have to stick with it for the rest of your public school career. So, since I'M in band, I can't just decide to do Art next year, because I would have had to do it as a prerequisite.
I would love for America to just go towards the whole European school system, where they start sorting kids into the "college" and "vocational" tracks at an early age, because it seems to work for them, but it's just kind of sad, you know? What about those kids who are put on the vocational track at eleven, and then they decide later when their sense of self has increased, that they want to college - well they can't! They're stuck! It's just a no-win situation, you know?