The idea of purging your earthly belongings in order to achieve a greater sense of satisfaction really speaks to me. I like the idea of being portable - not having too many things holding me to one place. Becoming Minimalist and Minimalist Woman are a two lovely minimalist blogs that I was introduced to by mom.
08 December 2011
Transcendentalism and Minimalism
We've been studying Transcendentalism in my AP English class, and I can't help but notice an abundance of similarities between Transcendentalism and Minimalism, a philosophy that has taken hold recently, and to which my mother is an adherent.
Misleading information
Into The Wild
Something about this story speaks to me. Am I self-centered, foolish, and unrealistic if I have the same youthful desire to take the words of my favorite authors and philosophers and put them into action? If I have an overwhelming desire to rid myself of my modern, cookie cutter life style, full of material conveniences, and 21st century assurances. What if I want to live ballsy, and see where life takes me when I have nothing to my name, no diplomas or other such pieces of paper assuring my abilities?
“make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.”
There are a lot of things in my life that we force ourselves to be "conditioned to" because they guarantee security, conformity, and conservation. For instance, school. Don't get me wrong; I wholeheartedly believe that education is a necessity in every individual's life. I also believe that, especially in a democratic nation, every citizen has a responsibility to educate themselves. And I also know that in order to achieve that reality, it is necessary for the government to regulate and require it.
But that doesn't mean I have to like it. I really believe that life is the best teacher and would love to learn out of curiosity. Ultimately, though, what I took from this book was a desire to live life to its fullest and take every opportunity for adventure.
01 August 2011
Spent a couple of weeks in London and I have to say, they were two of the most memorable weeks of my life thus far. It's my favorite place in the world. There are so many architecturally cool buildings, everything looks like it's out of Harry Potter. I love pubs. Best places ever. Also, English Breakfast tea. That stuff is the bomb.
They have really good shopping, too. First of all, they have places like Topshop and H&M, which exist in America, but only seldom few. They also have this place called Primark, which has REALLY affordable, cute clothes (and DOESN'T use forced/child labor. I have no idea how they manage to manufacture clothes so cheap. It's beyond me.) They also have the best flea markets in the world. There's a couple really big, famous ones, like Camden Market, which we went to and is awesome (an entire stall chalk full of vintage suitcases. I was in heaven), and then there are smaller antique markets in big shopping areas like Covent garden, where you can still find really unique stuff, but it's not totally crazy.
The music is wonderful. I didn't go see any of the well-known artists that were playing there, like Arcade Fire and The Foo Fighters and Alicia Keys, and I still saw some really impressive music. We just went to free concerts at the Meltdown music Festival at the Southbank centre, and were totally impressed. I fell in love with The Caezars, an upbeat, rockabilly-type band, and a couple other indie bands. I also went to go see Wine, Women, and Song (a.k.a Matraca Berg, Suzy Bogguss, and Gretchen Peters), who are actually from Nashville. Matraca just came out with a new album, The Dreaming Fields, and it is stupid how good it is.
The people are really nice, too. And fascinating. When you're in London, you don't have that feeling that you do when you're in other big cities like New York, where everyone is really rude to each other, and you constantly feel unsafe like everyone is trying to take advantage of you because you're a tourist. Everyone's really helpful and nice. Also, there are these bicycles for hire all over the city, called Barclay's. They would probably be gone in a day if you put them in New York. But not in London. People actually use them, too. There are people on bicycles everywhere, on the streets, and riding through the parks. I think London is the only place where you can live in a massive city, and take advantage of everything that that entails, and still get to experience beauty and nature and kind strangers on a daily basis. There are beautiful courtyards and gardens and parks all over the city. In a couple of the public parks, there are these free standing lawn chairs all over the place, and if you happen to come across a day over 65 degrees, EVERY ONE OF THEM is occupied, and there are people sprawled across the grass, including men in business suits. It's SO COOL.
27 May 2011
13 May 2011
I didn't wake up this morning until I had silenced Taylor Swift's teeny bopper beets at least five times. I then proceeded to take an hour to come up with an outfit that indicates absolutely no level of creativity. I can't remember what I ate for breakfast or, now that I think of it, what I ate for lunch or what I did in basically any of my classes except French, because we're reading Les Miserables in French, and it makes my nerdy senses tingle. Oh, and history, because we're watching Saving Private Ryan, which I hate, because I don't like seeing blood or violence or watching anything that doesn't have music or dancing. Or at least a prominent female character.
So, Basically, I'm brain dead. And I just wanted it to be
So, Basically, I'm brain dead. And I just wanted it to be
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Wizard rock (a.k.a Wrock) is a genre of music entirely dedicated to music about the Harry Potter series. In other words, it is the best thing to ever exist on Earth. I went to a concert the other night with a friend and we got our "nerd swagger" on. Just sayin'
07 May 2011
22 February 2011
Something that annoys me is people thinking they're unique because of the bands they like or the clothing stores they shop at. Everyone is unique, and certainly your taste in music and clothing can be indicative of your personal style, and therefore be an expression of your individuality, but they shouldn't be your source of identity, or you're screwed. If I ask "who are you?" and all you can tell me is that your favorite color is black, you shop at hot topic, and you label yourself as "goth", you haven't told me anything about who you are as a person (besides telling me two things that are a dichotomy - would true "goth"s really shop at a chain in a mall? I think not).
10 February 2011
Blogs I Love
Diary of A Vintage Girl
I love this blog!! Her outfits are always so inspirational and amazing and I love the little tutorials she has on how to do forties hair. I also love her circle of friends and all of their "vintage" get-togethers!!
I love this blog!! Her outfits are always so inspirational and amazing and I love the little tutorials she has on how to do forties hair. I also love her circle of friends and all of their "vintage" get-togethers!!
Another really awesome fashion blog. The stuff she wears is always giving me ideas for stuff to do with my own wardrobe. Plus, the photos are amazing! :D
This blog has everything... Recipes, fifty billion different kinds of craft projects, pictures of gravestones, and more. But what I really love are her journals. I make journals like these, too (I call mine scrapbooks, actually, but whatever) and I thought it was really awesome to find someone who did them, too, and get inspiration from hers.
I must say, I'm a little biased, seeing as this is written by one my best friends, but I can honestly say I have laughed out loud at every single thing she's ever posted.
I bought a tutu in freshman year, and I gotta into fashion after realizing I was too much of a coward to actually wear it to school. I stumbled upon this awesome blog, and was totally inspired by the ballsy outfits this girl even younger than I, Tavi Gevinson, wore. In short, I ended up wearing the tutu to school, found an awesome blog, and totally got into the whole street style thing.
Seriously. She drew these. Before I found this blog, I considered putting some of my own drawings up, and then I saw these, and realized how much my drawings resemble toddler scribbles.
Another fashion blog that gives me tons of outfit inspiration! This blog and the Stylish Wanderer make me wish I lived in L.A. just so I could go to the Fairfax flea market they're always talking about... :D
I gotta three day beard and I don't plan to shave :D
Another snow day today. It's all good, though, because it's melting fast and it's actually pretty sunny out. I'm in a pretty good mood, been listening to some good ol' happy country music, thinking about the kind of person I want to be and how I want to get there. I'm starting to realize that I don't need all the things I used to think I needed to be happy. I'm not going to achieve happiness by having an Ivy League diploma, living in a big city, or having everyone know my name. I'm not going to give up on working as hard as I can to have those opportunities, but I don't need them. Good music, happy people, trees, and books are really all I need.
06 February 2011
Wish list
I really need to get a job...
1. Beaded Geometry Bag from Anthropologie
2. Simple Compositions Blouse in Moss from Anthropologie
3. All Star Slim Slip in Parchment from Converse
4. Yuma Cardigan from Anthropologie
5. Belted Jacket with hood in Insignia Blue from Mossimo Supply Co. (Target)
6. Simple Compositions Blouse in Gold from Anthropologie
7. Super Shiny lip gloss in Juicy Peach from Burt's Bees
8. Margarita Sock in Loden Heather from Smartwool
9. Solid Perfume in Meringue from Simpatico
10. 993 Running Shoes from New Balance
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